Saturday, December 19, 2009

Drexel sophomore picked as College Entrepreneur of the Year

“Save your receipts” may be the rule in the workplace for getting reimbursed for expenses, but those slips of paper are just so much trash to a college student.

That’s what Drexel University student Bradley Ericson pondered as he observed transactions at the checkout counter at campus dining halls.

Students have a meal plan and tap it electronically by using their student identification card. But the cashier still hands over a printed piece of thermal paper. Soon after, that receipt winds up on the floor or counter.

A freshman at Drexel’s LeBow College of Business in the fall of 2008, Ericson thought a digital receipt would be more convenient for the consumer. Digital receipts would also save money for the dining hall, which would not need to buy rolls of paper. That sounded to him like it could be the start of a business plan.

“The convenience factor is the most important,” Ericson said. “I want to make my daily activities easier.”

Today, Ericson has a company, called 3SecondReceipts L.L.C., that tested its software on Drexel servers this fall. (The name came from his research, which found a thermal-paper receipt has an “average life span” of only 3 seconds before it gets wadded up and tossed.)

It works like this: When the student’s ID card gets swiped, it enables the dining hall to debit his or her meal plan tied to the student’s identification number. Ericson’s software hooks into the point-of-sale system and creates a digital receipt of the transaction that gets sent to buyer and seller. Students can log in to their campus accounts to see how much they spent and what they spent it on.

Ericson said he thought the digital receipt functionality would go “live” campuswide at Drexel in three or four months. If it performs for more than 21,000 students as well as he hopes, Ericson’s next calls will be to Temple, Penn, and other area colleges.

Last spring, he became the first freshman to place in the Laurence A. Baiada Center’s Business Plan Competition at Drexel. He didn’t win it, but he came away with $1,000 as a finalist.
Losing that competition bothered him. He learned that while he had a good idea, that didn’t make it a good business prospect. Ericson didn’t go home to Fair Lawn, N.J., for summer break, but stayed in Philadelphia to work on his business plan.

Meanwhile, a different set of judges in another competition this week singled him out over many other entrepreneurs on campuses across the United States. Entrepreneur magazine Thursday named the Drexel sophomore its 2009 College Entrepreneur of the Year.

The designation provides 3SecondReceipts with $5,000 in seed capital and it gives Ericson some bragging rights with his three siblings.

After all, his brother Timothy started a firm in November 2007 when he was at Drexel. Today, CityRyde L.L.C. is a consulting firm in Philadelphia that helps universities and municipalities design and implement bike-sharing programs.

At 19, Bradley Ericson and his start-up story have already been featured on ABC News and in Forbes magazine. It will get retold in Entrepreneur magazine next month.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Think Gum

We make chewing gum designed to help boost concentration and memory. I first came up with the idea while I was a senior at UC Berkeley studying molecular and cell biology. I read a study about how certain aromas could enhance performance and took this idea and along with a few carefully selected herbs and a bit of caffeine to make Think Gum. I am now a graduate student at the Stanford University School of Medicine getting my PhD in Immunology. Think Gum LLC first began selling gum at the end of 2007, right when I started grad school. Now, almost 2 years into things we have sold well over a million pieces in gum and generated nearly $100,000 in revenue.

Matt Davidson, Founder of Think Gum LLC

You can get more information by visiting our website You can also send Matt an e-mail at

Monday, December 7, 2009

Meet Andi Enns

I am a sophomore at Park University (Kansas City, Missouri) and I am one of the youngest PR & marketing consultants in the country. I work with a variety of clients nationwide, some on retainer and some on project-by-project basis. This clients include yoga studios, public speakers, skincare boutiques, and more. I started out at age 16 with social media. I already had web programming knowledge, and helping a friend with his MySpace profile gave me an idea. So I launched a business designing and maintaining professional MySpace profiles. Over time, this evolved into the full services I offer today. My previous media coverage has included Yahoo HotJobs, national radio show Whiz Ventures, NBC's Kansas City Live, popular industry blog Repman, and many more. Please feel free to contact me at or 816-739-9930.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Will Work For Food

WILL WORK FOR FOOD was started 2 years ago by students at the University of Michigan. WILL WORK FOR FOOD's slogan is Volunteering Locally to Save Children Globally. Our aim is to motivate high school and college students to find a any volunteer project of their choosing and someone to sponsor their efforts (family, friend, themselves, corporate, etc). The money that they raise volunteering is given to our affiliates, Doctors Without Borders, to purchase and distribute the nutritional supplement Plump'y nut in areas of need. To date we have raised +$12,000 and have over 700 participants nationwide.

We are close affiliates with Doctors Without Borders, recognized by the Clinton Global Initiatives for Universities, a runner up in the prestigious DELL grant, and the recipient of various Google grants. We have gained media attention across the country for this innovative approach to social and global welfare.

For more information contact myself, follow us on Twitter [@Will_ForFood], and check out our website

Lindsay Canvasser
Director of Public Relations

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Inspiration for the Young Entrepreneur

Are you on a mission? Do you have a vision? Are you itching to get your name out and make a difference in the world? If you answered NO to any of these questions–that’s okay.
It’s time to get inspired.

The opportunities to connect with millions of like minded people are limitless through the power of the internet. Social media has made it incredibly easy to meet people who want more out of life than the average person you’d meet walking down the street. It’s not that every person online is inspired or on a mission–it’s the ones that stand out who are. The people who reach out to you, who you seem drawn towards, who are intriguing to talk to, are the ones who are doing the leading. The conversations they are having make them leaders, make them popular and make their businesses grow. They’ve achieved this success online because…
They took the leap.

It’s time to stop thinking and start doing. It’s time to open your mouth or moving your fingers to have real conversations with real people. Want people to know about your brand? Your Twitter search better be streaming at all times, tracking your industry. Get into the trenches and start conversing, answering people’s questions and finding people who have the same passions you do. It’s this network of people who will grow your brand for you.
Don’t know what you stand for?

Start meeting other inspired people. The biggest leaders will shout from the rooftops to get the message out about what they believe in. Reading blogs and surfing Twitter are great ways to get to know people who love what they do. Starting taking notes from these people who are completely lost in their work.

Follow these passionate people:

@SmallBizTrends (Small Business)
@ProBlogger (Blogging)
@JohnnyCupcakes (T-shirts)
@TomZiglar (Personal Development)
@GaryVee (Wine)
@LivestrongCEO (Health)
@Under30CEO (Entrepreneurship)
@BarryMoltz (Customer Service)
@GrowthCoachCorp (Business Coaching)
@Philanthropy411 (Non Profit)
Matt Wilson is co-founder of Under30CEO. Learn to create your rock star online presence at

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Bright Eyed Entrepreneur

My name is Martin Simms, and I’d like to introduce myself to you as one of the co-founders of Bright Eyed Entrepreneurs. Even in the midst of this difficult economy, opportunity abodes for those willing to take risks and work hard to overcome seemingly insurmountable odds.

BEE Partners (Bright Eyed Entrepreneurs) is a PR/Marketing consulting company comprised of four liked minded students/ emerging entrepreneurs that have established a way to make our own internship/job. We are all 4th year college students that have attained knowledge of a number of business operations and are ready to use them.

In the current economy, we recognize that it can sometimes be difficult to attain the exact job/intern you desire. Often, people settle for a job that they never had any aspiration to do. We truly believe that doing what you are good at and what you love is the key.

In order to be competitive In today’s marketplace, education must be complimented by experience. As we set out as young entrepreneurs building our business we’ve adopted a unique philosophy we believe will help us achieve long-term success. We work at low and sometimes no-cost with struggling companies to assist them with their PR and Marketing campaigns. The companies we help reposition are able to give us college internship credits.

Our approach enables us to dramatically discount our services. By using quick and effective guerrilla marketing techniques we’re able to attract new clients in a difficult marketplace. Although we initially are not making as much money as as our services are worth, our incoming business will generate future profits and customer loyalty that will enable us to thrive as we move forward.

Aside from our business to business Marketing and PR campaigns, we are also currently working on the following projects:

1. Deep Discount Coupon Booklet for Cal Poly Pomona Students (Attached Sample Cover)

2. The Good Life-Simply good food. An affordable quick service restaurant that has a guilt-free menu (Healthy food doesn't have to be expensive)

3. A book from the minds of students written for students about some of the misrepresentations of college, and some concepts and ideas to be aware of that may help a student progress in college and life.

6 Reasons we started this company

-To gain experience, knowledge and skills to be able to start our own large scale firm and innovate the industry with our entrepreneurial mindset

-College internship credits

-Resume Booster (self-starters, Experience)

-Gain experience working with a variety of businesses


-We are energetic young entrepreneurs committed to success

-Help struggling companies to succeed (Help do our part to enhance the economy)

Martin Simms (562)400-0609Partner Bright Eyed Entrepreneurs"Progression is a mindset that relies on thought provocation" WWW.BRIGHTEYEDENTREPRENEURS.COM

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Meet Mitchell Hislop


Mitchell Hislop refuses to stop hustling. He started his first company the summer before he started college, and since then, has moved around quite a bit. He currently is working at Cool (intl), starting up their interactive marketing agency. In addition to this, he is working on a startup, Beyond Policy, which is in its early stages. He is doing all this while pursuing a double major in political science and marketing, with a minor in communications.

Contact info:
Work: 612-782-8200

Friday, September 25, 2009

eDimensional is Unique

A Brief History:

eDimensional was founded way back in 2000 by a group of gamers at heart, dedicated to creating the most realistic gaming and entertainment experience ever. Thanks to our fantastic customers and swift success, eDimensional has grown rapidly and emerged as the leading manufacturer and worldwide distributor of cutting-edge gaming accessories. Our flagship product, the E-D 3-D Gaming System, was released to critical acclaim. It has since received an unprecedented number of awards and accolades for providing the most realistic PC viewing experience. Our patented stereoscopic conversion software is the most robust 3D gaming platform ever created.

Our Passion for Gaming:

We have since used our expertise developing compelling virtual reality products and software to launch a complete product line of innovative gaming accessories including intuitive voice control, motion tracking, and interactive headsets. At eDimensional, there is something for every gamer to enjoy and we guarantee your ultimate satisfaction on all of our products.

At Your Service:

eDimensional's notoriety comes not only from our technical ingenuity, but from our exceptional customer service. Our knowledgeable sales and support staff are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week worldwide to answer any questions you might have. Our multinational locations and low shipping rates mean prompt delivery to you wherever you are. Let eDimensional take your gaming to the next level. It's as real as it gets, guaranteed!

We were recently named one of Inc. Magazine's Top 5000 companies!
Just a few of our corporate/government clients include:

US Army
Harvard University
Electronics Arts
University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Dongseo University, South Korea
US Navy
University of Tromso, Norway
Warner Bros
Walter Reed Hospital
Department of Energy

Michael Epstein - President/CEOeDimensional, Inc. ext 22

Monday, September 21, 2009

Peer 2 Peer Tutors

After placing a $50 advertisement in a local paper, Peer2Peer Tutors was founded by Erik Kimel during his senior year of high school in 2004. Erik started by tutoring one student - a sixth grader in math. The only way Erik could get his student to focus was by promising to shoot baskets with him after the session. The student loved it. His mom loved it more…

When Erik went off to college at NYU, we continued to grow by building an e-commerce website and creating the Management Operational Mentor (M.O.M.) Manager position. Serving as the liaison between clients and tutors, tutoring client Ann Connelly joined as the first Peer2Peer M.O.M. Today, Ann is our Regional Manager helping to train new M.O.M.’s. We are committed to growth from within.

In January 2008, we were Voted Best Tutoring Company by Bethesda Magazine, and in September 2008, we were featured in The Washington Post. In June 2009, we set a new record by creating 225 jobs in a single school year for top high school students. Throughout our growth, our motto has stayed the same: students learn best from other students. Each year we build on our past experiences to better serve our clients, our tutors, and the community.

Ann Connelly

Friday, August 28, 2009

Laugh Your Way To Happiness

I started Laughtub in May 2009, at the age of 19. I think it’s extremely important to do what you love. Because when you do, you really don’t worry about the money. Since opening, Laughtub has made very little. I know more advertisers will come, with time. But I continue on the journey because I hope to bring laughter and happiness to as many people as possible, which is what Laughtub is all about. Anyway, I think it is equally important to be able to laugh. Laugh at yourself, others, and at pretty much anything. If you can laugh, you can easily get through a day and enjoy nearly every moment of it. So, love what you do, and laugh as often as possible. With those two things, you’ll find success and wealth in more ways than just dollar signs!

Contact: or by visiting

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Free Entrepreneur Strategy Form

I'd like to encourage you to login: and download Your Personal Entrepreneurial Strategy form.

This is a very powerful business tool that can provide you with feedback on the relative fit between you and a venture opportunity, by identifying your behaviors, attitudes, management skills, experience, know-how, contacts and leadership tendencies. DC Cordova sends her loving regards and wishes you tremendous success and encourages you to continue to pursue your goal to becoming a Global Entrepreneur.

If you wish to listen again (or for the first time) the teleconference she did for us on Global Entrepreneurship, login: Playback Dial-in Number: 1-270-400-2003 East Coast Playback Access Code: 340047

Your Friend,
Louis Lautman
YES Entertainment
PO Box 191211
Miami Beach, Fl 33119 US

Monday, August 10, 2009

Meet Matt Wislon

I have networked with people all over the world and one of the most energetic and inspiring people on earth is Matt Wilson.

@MattWilsonTV on Twitter – Matt’s

Matt Wilson graduated Bryant University with a clear goal of starting his own business. While in school, Matt led Bryant University to becoming the Collegiate Entrepreneurs’ Organization of the year and became National Student Leader of the Year. After moving home he realized there was a lack of smart, innovative, and ambitious people to communicate with. This is where he began to realize the need to bring all these people together who also decided the corporate happy hour wasn’t going to be good enough.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Using Social Media to Grow Your Business

This three-day series on Internet Marketing will show you how to become productive with your time and invest in social media to quantify your network, build your network and convert your network into long-term customers built on TRUST. This event is brought to you bythe Urban League Entrepreneurship Center and the Drexel University LeBow School of Business.

Classes will take place on Tuesday, July 28, Tuesday, August 4 and Tuesday, August 11 at Drexel University's LeBow School of Business, 3200 Market Street, Room 201. Classes will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. and will be facilitated by Nicole Newman, president of Newman Networks who has more than 2,200 Facebook and 850 LinkedIn connections, and Tara Colquitt, vice president of the Jenkintown Chapter of Business Network International.

Learn how Internet Marketing can open the door for greater business opportunities. General registration is $99 and Urban League Entrepreneurship Center members can register as the reduced rate of $69. To register, please click here.

Monday, July 20, 2009


“If you had to encourage a college entrepreneur with one word what would it be and why?”


“Because the Gen-Y demographic (college students) are largely NOT engaged. They are ambitious, bright, and have an entrepreneurial spirit. However, they need to ENGAGE with their peers, ENGAGE in social media, ENGAGE with their community, and they will see how this catapults them towards success. I have done it myself and seen what it has done to myself as a
brand and my career path!”

Sarah Merion –College Entrepreneur

Imagine That

“If you had to encourage a college entrepreneur with one word what would it be and why?”


“As the old saying goes, what you dream or imagine, can be. Never stop imagining or dreaming of success, do everything you can to reach those dreams, and success will be your reward!”

Bernadette Boas

Do you have diligence?

“If you had to encourage a college entrepreneur with one word what would it be and why?”


“When I started my business in college I had another student look at me and say, "no one will use your service." $10,000 later I realized diligence was the key because there is always someone that will try to kill your dream. Just do it! Launch the dream and stick to it no matter what!”

Casey Graham/ReThink Money

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Being a great entrepreneur

by College Start Up

While it’s true that the best entrepreneurs are people with vision, creativity and passion, to be a great entrepreneur you also need to develop certain skills. To make your idea successful, you need to know a little about how to do market research, differentiate, develop a business plan, hire good employees, adapt to competitors, use the Internet and do effective marketing.
For a really good overview of the things you need to be a great entrepreneur, check out this article, 25 Skills and Classes Necessary to Become a Great Entrepreneur, which makes the case that the best entrepreneurs know what they are good at and then delegate the rest.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Do You Have Vision?

“If you had to encourage a college entrepreneur with one word what would it be and why?”


“It's important to work with a certain point of view, and towards a certain vision of success. I've worked towards being a recognized DJ ever since university, and I knew what it would take from the beginning - from attitude to attire to the amount of hours I'd need to put in performing and networking. If you can't imagine where you want to go, and what you'll need to get there, it will make the journey twice as hard."

Montreal DJ Vivie-Ann

Move Forward Like a Grasshopper

“If you had to encourage a college entrepreneur with one word what would it be and why?”

Several experts responded and were more then willing to give million dollar advice to uplift the student body. One of the highlights of receiving an abundance of influential insight was when I was contacted by Grasshopper. The founders Siamak Taghaddos and David Hauser were so inspired by the topic that they set up a conference call to give their ideas over the phone. Siamak and David know what it’s like firsthand to start a business in college to go on to make millions.

Siamak’s word was execute because so many people have a vision but don’t come through with a plan. Especially in college where they think of great ideas but put them on the backburner. David’s word is Now as he feels that there are great opportunities with amazing resources and professors available. Visit their dream by going to

JUMP for it

“If you had to encourage a college entrepreneur with one word what would it be and why?”


When you are pursuing a start-up, it’s likely just you and a friend or two from school (your co-founders). You guys have nothing to lose; this is likely the point in your life when your monthly overhead to live is the lowest it will be—limited bills, splitting rent with roommates, no major obligations, etc. This is a temporary cost advantage. Capitalize on it. Use this opportunity in assessing risk.

Once you increase your cost of living, the game changes. Once you have a handful of employees, the game changes again.

So jump now. Risk everything, because ‘everything’ isn’t a whole lot.

This may be an unlikely piece of advice in today’s economy. But if you’ve got that entrepreneurial fire, you are going go for it regardless of the economy.

My partner and I founded online study community right after college. We jumped, and we haven’t looked back.

Robert Angarita

Monday, June 15, 2009

HAEO! Help an Entrepreneur Out

Only 1 question this week so lets pump out the answers!!!

Don't forget to pass the word about HAEO onto friends. The more people involved the better answers there are for all!-----------------------------#General Business1)

What do you need help with?: Want to start e commerce biz selling ipod accessories
Name: Robyn AmosE-Mail:
Twitter Handle:
Details: Need help on where to start like where to buy accessories wholesale and how to properly get set up for ebay and amazon-----------------------------

Founders of HAEO! Help an Entrepreneur Out: ,

HAEo Headquarters -

Friday, June 12, 2009 Recognized for Impact on Global Job Creation

As job losses continue, is making noticeable strides in economic stimulus and job creation efforts.

Between April 2008 and April 2009, has observed more than 107,665 project –based jobs posted to its website. During the same period, 69,893 transactions were completed.

The company’s impressive growth rate and impact on job creation and entrepreneurship is also getting national recognition. In the last month, two national award programs acknowledged as a private tech company to watch:

· Honored by the Initiative for a Competitive Inner City (Winner):

· Red Herring 100 North America Recognizes (Finalist): is the world’s largest online marketplace for freelance talent with over 1 million registered members. Businesses use to find top talent in over 160 professional service categories - locally, nationally, or globally - within budget and without overhead; freelancers compete for project work and market expert skills to a global audience at minimal cost. is the only freelance marketplace to feature a proprietary Rank system that captures and reports objective performance data about the quality of every freelancer to help facilitate hiring decisions based on quantifiable service excellence.

Please contact me if you are interested in more information about and its competitive advantages for businesses and job seekers alike.

Best regards,

Kristen I. Sabol
Communications Specialist /
Public Relations
5001 Baum Blvd, Suite 760
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Direct: 412.687.2228 (x 837)
Facsimile: 412.687.4466

The pros and cons of starting young


An article on USA Today recently dealt with young people, particularly those who are forced to start their own businesses because of limited job opportunities today. In fact, the 16-to-19-year-old unemployment rate in April was measured at a high 21.5%. But even before the crisis started, there was already a sizable number of teens and tweens who were their own boss. The Small Business Administration’s Office of Advocacy says that in 2006, the latest available data, there were 492,000 people younger than 25 who were self-employed.

Three examples were featured in the article. One is a college student who earns extra money by giving drumming lessons and performing onstage. Another is a girl who made a fortune out of marketing a hair-conditioner, the recipe of which is a family secret. The last is a girl as well that, frustrated with off-the-shelf body care products, decided she’d experiment and create her own.

They all became successful, but not before overcoming difficulties, some being specific to their age. First, obviously, is their lack of experience. Be it life experience or business experience, they didn’t have the luxury of having much of either to draw from. Then there’s the tough task of juggling work, school, and other activities normal kids their age do. Finally, being young makes it that much harder to convince other people to trust you, which means you often need to perform above par just to be treated seriously.

That said, starting early gives you a lot of advantage in the long run. By running a business, you learn infinitely more compared to taking a job elsewhere. A sense of responsibility becomes ingrained as you feel tied to the work that you do. Being young, it’s also easier to accept rejection, or at least get used to it, so that you accept it as part of the learning processes. And last, teens are definitely much more tech-savvy than older generations. Being connected comes natural, and they can utilize the full potential of available technologies much more readily simply due to earlier exposure.

Have you started your own business as a teen? What were the difficulties that you encountered then?

Thursday, June 11, 2009

How to find your Hidden Talent?

The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur had a blog post to help people find their hidden talent so that they can live their dreams. I was included in the post as I'm listed at #50.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Do you have PASSION?

“If you had to encourage a college entrepreneur with one word what would it be and why?”


“Because if you are passionate about something you will make it through the tough times (which there will be) and you are not only doing something to make money.”

Danny Kofke How To Survive (and perhaps thrive) On A Teacher's Salary


“If you are passionate enough about your idea it will carry you over the delays, disappointments and rough spots that coming with starting something new. Money is never enough without passion.”

Professor Daniel M. FergusonOhio Northern University Assistant Professor of EntrepreneurshipDicke College of Business Administration


“Passion will get you up every morning, make you work harder than you ever thought possible, get you through the rough days and times and, through it all, you’ll still be happy at the end of each day which makes for less stress!”

Dayna Steele –


“Passion is the most important thing you need to have if you ever want to succeed as an entrepreneur. If you’re not passionate about your product or service, no one will be. Passion can be contagious, so keep it up and others will follow.

Passion will keep you focused. Don’t let others discourage you. Along the way, there may be people who tell you your idea won’t work. Your passion will help you push forward and prove them wrong.

And finally, without passion, you will never succeed. Being an entrepreneur is one of the most rewarding jobs you can have – but it’s also the hardest. There’s no boss/supervisor telling you to get up and go to work every morning. And there probably won’t be a steady paycheck coming in every week to keep you going. You need passion to motivate you. You need passion in order to succeed.”

Jill FrechtmanFounder & PresidentFretzels by Jill, Inc.


“For making a difference. Passion for creating value with your own idea. Passion for brining partners, team members, investors and customers into your vision. Passion for the business of turning an idea into reality. It's been said that if you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life. That is saying has been and continues to be true for my life. For college entrepreneurs the last two passions I listed will allow them to live exciting, fulfilling lives full of the first two. One of my favorite sayings does a much better job of explaining the concept: "The entrepreneur that thoroughly understands how to run a single company can run multiple companies at the same time." J.P. Getty. By learning the business of bringing ideas to life an entrepreneur can make many contributions over their career.”

Giovanni Isaksen Ashworth Partners Ltd.


“Your Passion for a chosen path may not make sense to anyone else, but that's OK, let them have their own Passion. Each of us has a unique purpose to fulfill; Passion is the spark that ignites uncontainable potential. Passion is what keeps you up at night, stirs you while you sleep, and wakes you in the morning with excitement to take on the day. Passion is the shield you cling to when the naysayers attack. Passion is knowing that what you are doing will make a difference.”

Amanda Weihrauch/BlackFuze Marketing

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Help An Entrepreneur Out

Imagine having crowds of entrepreneurs at your fingertips.

Ask your business question and HAEO will publish it in our next newsletter. Our subscriber base of helpful business people will send you answers via email or Twitter.

Got a question? Help An Entrepreneur Out

As an entrepreneur and small business owner we all have questions! Every day there is a new challenge or new technology to learn. HAEO is where you ask those questions. Anything from marketing tips to event info to great books. These answers and resources are what we spend endless hours looking for across the web. Now let the answers come to you via experts on the topics or simply other entrepreneurs who have found the answers before. No longer take on your challenges alone.

Want to get known? Help An Entrepreneur Out

We all want to show off what we know, promote ourselves and find new leads. HAEO provides the easiest all in one platform to do these things. Answer questions from entrepreneurs on the topics you know by quickly scrolling through the newsletter. Show that your content is the best by blowing their minds with your answers and resources. Develop relationships with them so they come to YOU with their questions. Put your knowledge in front of your audience.

For more information on how you can Help An Entrepreneur Out go to .

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The impotance of having a confidant

By College-Startup

There are times when even the smallest business decisions can bog you down. Should you call the client now or wait a little? Should you send the papers today or tomorrow? Should you open an account in this bank or that? Should you wear a more formal attire in a meeting or is that a bit over-dressed? Although some of them may seem trivial, weighing these queestions can waste valuable hours of your time, especially if you’re not comfortable being in these situations.

If your startup is a one-man operation, and you prefer to work that way, then the trusty pen-and-paper combo can be a big help. Thinking about the pros and cons will tend to get you going in circles. Write things down to make your ideas concrete and your problems clearly defined. It’s easier to evaluate the risks and rewards when you can look at something tangible in front of you. In effect, you are your own confidant, and that’s not as crazy as it sounds. Trust me.

If you already did my suggestion above and you still can decide, talk to someone you trust. It could be your friends, your business partner, an employee, or a mentor. Consult with them one-on-one, via phone, or email - whichever is most convenient. Explain your situation and ask them for their point of view. It’s good if you have someone to bounce off ideas with, more so if that person is readily available when you need them, like your roommate or your best friend.

Quick, confident decisions can only be made once you’re able to study all the angles. Your confidant helps immensely in that department. Sometimes, though, you already know what to do, and all you really need is someone to agree with you.

Article Source:

Sunday, May 3, 2009

What Do You Like To Do Most In Life?

Learn how to make some extra money talking about the things you like best.

Do you know what affiliate marketing is and how it can make you money? Did you know that there are many websites out there that you are probably already visiting that will pay you for things like sending them visitors and getting other people to buy their products? Best of all, did you know that it is pretty simple to set it all up?

What are your hobbies or interests?

The first thing you are going to want to do is to pick a topic of interest. Do you like football, fashion, playing chess or radio-controlled cars? Heck, even drinking games could make you money - I'm serious! Choose something you know a lot about or at least have a lot of interest in so that doing research about that topic is fun for you.

Do your homework!

The next step is to do some research. Enter your topic into google. Are there are a ton of search results for that topic? Do you see a lot of ads on the right side of google? There are three sites that I want you to go look at. The first is Go to their marketplace and search for your topic. Do you see affiliate programs listed that relate to your topic? Go to and do the very same thing. Then, go back to google and type your topic plus the words: affiliate program. For example if your topic was football, you would type, "football affiliate program" (without the quotes) and you will see results with a ton of websites that have affiliate programs that relate to the term "football".

Okay, so what is an affiliate program and how do they make you money? An affiliate program is a program that a website owner has put in place which enables him to let people like you sign-up to recommend his products to your prospects or customers and in exchange when they buy his products - he pays you a commission. This is tracked through affiliate links that are created when you sign-up and they are unique to you so that the site owner knows who to pay the commission to for the sales.

Get a WordPress Blog.

Go and get yourself a wordpress blog - they are free! There are many advantages to using WordPress, but I will not go into them here. Just know they are a perfect choice for this and they work. do a google search for "your topic" and wordpress theme. For example you could search for: football wordpress theme. Wordpress has plenty of tutorials to show you how to use it, but like most college students, you have a pretty good grasp of the internet and you should find it pretty easy to learn. If you have trouble, ask a friend or google your question and you will find the answer. There a ton of sites out there that teach you how to set-up your wordpress site and even use your own domain name if you want. I would suggest you spend the 10 bucks to use your own domain name but you do not have to.

Post every day if you can.

You will want to find the time to post on your blog as often as you can. If you can write a post every day, that would be ideal, however a few times a week is also sufficient. Write about the things you like to talk about regarding your topic and be sure to include your affiliate links in your posts. People that read you blog and are interested in what you are talking about will often click on the links to see what you are referencing. If they buy something from the site you sent them to, you will earn a commission. That wasn't so hard - was it?

That's it in the nutshell.

Okay, so please understand, this was a very (and I mean VERY) quick, short and abridged lesson in affiliate marketing. It is not possible to go into a lot of detail in one short article, however, it does give you an easy to follow, step-by-step system to set-up an affiliate website blog that can make you some extra money just by talking abut something that let's face it, you would probably talk about for free anyways.If you don't make sales right away, don't be discouraged. The more content you write, the more the search engines will find your site. The more traffic you get to your blog, the higher the chance that people will be clicking on your affiliate links and eventually, you will start to make sales. There is so much to affiliate marketing that cannot be covered here, but if it is a topic that interests you, you can surely find a lot of information on the internet.

Skylr Monaghan is a marketing coach, entrepreneur, multiple website owner and he runs It is an email list that makes finding affiliate programs, joint-ventures and cross-promotion opportunities very simple.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Spike Lee to Kick Off Black Enterprise Entrepreneurs Conference

Source is Provided by Daily Blog by Dante Lee

One-on-One Conversation with Oscar-Nominated Director/Business Mogul Highlights 14th Annual Power Summit for Professionals Seeking Opportunities Amidst Volatile Economy

Two-time Oscar-nominated film director Spike Sheldon Jackson Lee has been confirmed as the featured speaker at the 2009 Black Enterprise Small Business Awards Luncheon hosted by Ariel Investments on Monday, May 18. The luncheon is an annual high point of the Black Enterprise Entrepreneurs Conference + Expo hosted by General Motors & ExxonMobil. This year's conference will take place May 17-19, 2009 at the Detroit Marriott at Renaissance Center, in Detroit, MI.

Long considered one of America's most influential filmmakers, Spike Lee is also a celebrated entrepreneur who has produced more than 35 films through his independent production company, 40 Acres & A Mule Filmworks. His acclaimed work includes She's Gotta Have It, Do the Right Thing, Jungle Fever, He Got Game, Malcolm X, 25th Hour, The Original Kings of Comedy, Summer of Sam, Get on The Bus, When the Levees Broke, and Miracle at St. Anna. In our exclusive one-on-one forum, Lee will share his business philosophy, life lessons, and give motivational guidance to aspiring and established entrepreneurs alike.

The 2009 Black Enterprise Entrepreneurs Conference + Expo hosted by General Motors & ExxonMobil features three days of business, motivational, and leadership seminars designed to empower and profit emerging and established minority businesses. The conference consistently attracts up to 1,100 of the nation's most prominent business power players and leaders. Additional sessions include Securing Capital in a Tight Credit Market, What It Takes to Land the Big Contract, New Opportunities in Emerging Businesses, and the BE Small Business Success(TM) Boot Camp.

Registration is available online at or by phone at (800) 209-7229. The $295 registration fee includes an event bag; continental breakfast and lunch (Monday and Tuesday); and admission to sessions, workshops, networking receptions, the Small Business Awards Luncheon, the BE100s Awards Gala, the Town Hall session, and the expo hall.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Farrah Gray, millionaire at 14

I was watching CNN the other day when they featured an impressive young entrepreneur named Farrah Gray. Growing up in the projects of Chicago’s south side, he was a natural businessman. At age six, he started selling home-made body lotion and hand-painted rocks to his neighbors. By twelve, he was operating several ventures related to the telecoms, food, and entertainment industry. At 14, he was a self-made millionaire with an office in Wall Street.

In the interview, he said that he thought “comfort is the enemy of achievement”. He talked about being born in a poor family with a dad who was an activist and a hardworking mom that suffered from a heart ailment. So early on, he realized that he had to do something to help support their family and make their lives better. I think he did pretty well against the odds, especially since very few people believed he could reach this level of success.

When he was seven, he declared to his teacher that he was going to be a millionaire entrepreneur one day. Incredulous, she looked at him and said, “No, you’re not. You’re poor and your family’s poor. You better go look for somebody to work for.” Then she pointed at a nearby McDonald’s. Farrah went home and told his grandma what happened. She said, “No matter what anyone says to you, wake up every morning, honey, and ask, ‘Why not me?’”
Taking that advice to heart, he’s now a multi-millionaire at 24, a best-selling author, motivational speaker, and gives back by being an avid supporter of various charity organizations.

Article Source:

Friday, April 24, 2009

Instant Networking in Instant Messages

By Encouragement Speaker Derrick Hayes Copyright © 2009

When I’m online networking there are two questions that I try and ask each person I’m communicating with and they are what is your name and what do you do for a living?

Networking online is very much like making an elevator pitch in person. You only have a few seconds to get your point across. You can be deleted from an Instant Message at any time.

I ask for the first name of the person because it gives me a chance to make the conversation more personal, even in an instant message. This will increase your chances of having the opportunity to move ahead to the next question. Once you have their name you follow up by telling them your name.

After you have established who each other is you move right into the next question. What do you do for a living?

The information you receive from these two questions will allow you to know who they are and what they do? With this information you can see how you can help them and how they might be able to help you?

Always remember the number one rule in networking is to give. When you give, the chances are better that you will receive

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Finance Your Dream

Copyright © 2009

Is money stopping you from fulfilling your destiny?

I recently read a book by Hotep called The Hustler’s 10 Commandments. The 9th Commandment is “It takes Dough To make Bread.” Most people don’t know how to raise the dough so that their gifts can make the bread.

Look at every resource in your possession to help you raise the capital before you go to the bank. You will be even more prepared when it is time to take your business plan to a financial institution.

My family members are close to me and have helped me in every step of the way. I want you to look to your F.A.M.I.L.Y. and see how close you are to seeing your dreams come true. Your F.A.M.I.L.Y. network consists of people that are your Friends, Associates, Ministry, Inspiration, from Learning and You. I learned a long time ago that a closed mouth can’t get fed. It’s time that you ask your F.A.M.I.L.Y. for help so that you can live more abundantly.

Friends are people that you communicate with on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. Whodini had a hit song back in the 80’s and they sang, “Friends, How many of us have them?” If you don’t have any friends guess what, get to know some people. Do you support those around you in what they do? This is very important when it is time for you to ask for help. Start right here and now and make a list of your closest friends. Start presenting your idea to your friends. Be sincere and specific and let them know upfront what you are trying to do.

Have you asked a friend lately to help support your business venture?

Associates are the people that you communicate with at work and at networking events. People watch you everywhere you go. The way you act and treat others is important. You never know who you might need to ask for help or who might ask you for help? The relationships that you build are essential to the lifeline of your business. Since associates work close to you they know the level of commitment that you will bring to any project.

Who are you associated with and have you asked anyone of them to help you finance your dream?

Ministry allows you to communicate with others through your church and spiritual programming. I recently joined the church that my wife belongs to. I’m getting to know the members as they are getting to know me. I have volunteered to help out with Vacation Bible School and I was asked to speak to the youth at the annual fishing trip. Once we have established a better relationship there will be more opportunities to showcase what I can do and how we can help each other.

Are you a member of a church and have you asked for a blessing lately?

Inspirational people are the ones that inspire you. You can also be an inspirational figure to others. When I first started speaking I met James Amps. James Amps is an international speaker who took the time out of his schedule to show me how to write my first bio and he even encouraged me to write my first book. As James enlightened me, I take a daily walk to empower others to use their skills to pay their bills. Before you lead, follow in someone’s footsteps that have done what you are trying to do. This will save you time and money.

Who inspires you and have you ask them to be your mentor?

Learning. This is all about the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding that you can obtain to help you finance your dream. Learn all you can about the industry that you plan to partake in. Everyone has a different way they learn. Some learn better from reading while others by hearing. The only way to truly know if what you are studying works is to put it into practice. Learn to be patient and find ways to help others so that others will help you.

What do you need to know that can help you attract the resources to help you finance your dreams?

You. This is all about what you can do to help you out. What is your dream and better yet what is your destiny? What is on the inside that you would like to bring to us on the outside? If you followed your heart where would it lead us to? These questions lead to answers that can educate others on what you are attempting to accomplish. The answer most importantly will lead to action. Take action and don’t be afraid to say “Show Me the Money.”

Are you ready to follow your heart and are you prepared to ask your F.A.M.I.L.Y. to help you Finance Your Dream?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Welcome to Business In College

I would like to welcome you to Business In College. This is a place for entrepreneurial minded people. If you are in college, received your start at a University or would like to give back to others this is a great place to start.

If you have any articles, tips, or ideas that can help someone get their business off the ground plase feel free to submit information . You will be given credit for your contribution. Please email me if you have any questions or concerns.